I - INCREASE Commentary: Increase. It is good to do something. It is beneficial to cross the great river. Image: Wind and thunder symbolize change. Thus the superior man practices goodness and eliminates his own faults. Changing Lines 1. It is good to do great deeds. Great fortune and no regrets. 2. He is indeed aided. Nothing can counter this. Steadfastness brings good luck. The ruler makes offerings to God. This is blameless. 3. Using evil circumstance to one's advantage is blameless if one is righteous and reports properly to superiors. 4. If you walk the middle way, the prince will follow. This is good for matters of great moment. 5. Kindheartedness is of unquestioned benefit. Such kindness will be acknowledged. 6. He benefits no-one and is attacked. His fickleness will bring bad luck.